If you have any questions not answered here, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
The profile page can be accessed by clicking on your name in the navigation menu.
On your profile page, you can see your profile picture, name, total items, purchased items, public link, information about you and a timeline of interactions with the items in your list.
Underneath your profile picture and name, you will find the total items in your list, how many of these items have been purchased, and your public link. You can click on this link to view it.
You can also click on the Share button to send it to other people. If you have Allow anyone to view my list with a public link enabled in Settings, then they will be able to view it, even without an account on No Bad Surprises.
You can click the View Items button to go directly to your list of items.
This section lists your birthday, address and phone number, if they were provided when signing up, or set on the Settings page. Your age will still be shown here even if Hide my age is enabled on the Settings page, but it will not be shown on your public link.
If you have added Additional Information on the Settings page, this information will be listed in this section as well.
The timeline provides a chronological history of the events affecting the items in your list. It will show when an item was created, changed deleted, purchased or unpurchased.
The item page can be accessed by clicking on Items in the navigation menu.
On the items page, you can see all the items you have created, and if any of them have been purchased. You can also create a new item, search your list of items, create, edit and delete tags and sort your items.
To create a new item, click on the Create Item button near the top of the page.
A modal will appear where you can fill in the name for the item. Emoji’s are supported. Once you have filled in the name, click Create Item.
Once the item is created, you will see a confirmation message, after which the new item will be added to the list on the items page.
To search for a specific item, click on the Search button near the top of the page.
A modal will appear where you can enter a phrase you want to search with. As you type, the items will update to only show those matching the search term. Click Close to close the modal and view the items found by the search.
If you need to clear the search, open the Search modal again by clicking on the Search button. Once the modal is open, click on Clear search. The search term will be cleared and all the items will appear again.
You can use tags to categorise your items into groups. To filter your items by specific tags as well as create, delete or modify tags, click on the Tags button near the top of the page.
A modal will appear, showing you all tags that have been created as well as how many items have each tag assigned to them.
On the tags modal, click the Create Tag button. A new tag will appear in the list. Enter the name for the tag and then click the Save button. You can now close the modal. To assign the tag to an item, go to the item details for the item you want to assign the tag to.
On the tags modal, change the name of one of the tags and click Save. This will update the name of the tag. All items that have this tag assigned to them will update with the new tag name.
On the tags modal, click the Delete button for the tag you want to delete. The tag will be removed from all items it is currently assigned to and then deleted.
On the tags modal, click on specific tags to filter by them in the item list. When you close the modal, you will only see items tagged with the selected tags. To show all the items again, open the tags modal and select the selected tags to unselect them again.
You can sort the items in your list alphabetically. Click on the A-Z button to sort your items. The button will show the current way the items are sorted.
To view and edit the details of an item, click on the item in the list. This will load the item details page for that item:
On this page you can edit everything about the item such as:
Next, we’ll go over each of this topics in more detail.
A message will show near the top of the page, just above the item’s name if the item has been purchased.
Near the top of the page is the item’s name. You can change this and then click on the Save button to change the item’s name. Emoji’s are supported 😁.
You can provide an extra information you would like others to know about your item. You can use many formatting options here while writing the text. When you are done, click the Save button to save the changed.
You can add images to your item to make it easier for others to see exactly what you want. Do this by clicking on the + button next to the Images heading. A modal window will appear. Click on Choose Files to upload files from your computer (multiple files can be selected at once), or paste an image link for an image already online. If you upload images from your computer, waiting for the Processing… text to stop. Once all images have been uploaded, click Close and you will see your images in the listing. Finally, click the Save button to save your changes.
To delete an image, click the X on the top-right of the image and then click Save.
You can add links which others can use to quickly see the item online. It is a good idea to place links to stores selling the item you want so that people can easily make a purchase. Click the + button next to the Links heading to add a new link. Add the link and click Save.
To open the link, click on the button. To delete the link, click on the
button. When done, don’t forget to click the Save button to save your changes!
You can set or unset any tags you have created by selecting them under the Tags heading. Thereafter click Save to save your changes.
Under Is Private? you can select to make an item private. A private item will not show up on your public link page. After making the change, click Save to save the change.
Some items you may want to allow others to mark as purchased multiple times. For these cases you can allow multiple purchases. Click the Save button after making any changes.
If an item is marked as purchased, but nobody has given it to you, you can set it back to unpurchased, allowing others to purchase it for you again. The Unpurchase button will appear in the item details if someone has already purchased the item. Click the button, and then confirm you want to unpurchase the item to unpurchase it.
If you need to delete an item because you no longer want it, or someone has purchased it for you, click the Delete button. You will be presented with a confirmation dialog to confirm that you really want to delete the item. Click Yes, delete it! to delete the item.
The following page can be accessed by clicking on Following in the navigation menu.
This page will list other users you are following. You can view their public links by clicking the View Public Link button for the user. You can also unfollow them by clicking the Unfollow button.
At the top of the page click the Find Users button, this will load the Find users modal. Enter some text to find someone. You can also search for their email address if you know it, then click the Search button. A list of users matching your search text will appear.
From the list of users you can click to view their public link using the View Public Link button. Once on their public link page, click the Follow button to begin following them.
If you now return to your following page, you will see them in your list.
You can find your public link on your profile page. This link can be copied and shared with others so that they can view your items. You can also click the Share button which will open up your devices sharing options.
The public link page will show your profile, additional information and all the items on your list.
The About Me section shows all the information about yourself that you have provided, as well as any additional information. Your age will only show if you have not set Hide my age in settings.
On the items page, people can see all the items you have created, and if any of them have been purchased. They can also click on an item to view the details and to indicate that they have purchased it.
To search for a specific item, click on the Search button near the top of the items section.
A modal will appear where you can enter a phrase you want to search with. As you type, the items will update to only show those matching the search term. Click Close to close the modal and view the items found by the search.
If you need to clear the search, open the Search modal again by clicking on the Search button. Once the modal is open, click on Clear search. The search term will be cleared and all the items will appear again.
People will be able to filter your items by the tags you have created. This can be achieved by clicking on the Tags button near the top of the items section which will open a modal window.
On the tags modal, click on specific tags to filter by them in the item list. When you close the modal, you will only see items tagged with the selected tags. To show all the items again, open the tags modal and select the selected tags to unselect them again, or click on the Clear tags button.
The items in the list can be sorted alphabetically. Click on the A-Z button to sort the items. The button will show the current way the items are sorted.
If you click on one of the items, you will be taken to the item details. Here all of the information about the item will be provided, including images and links. If you would like to purchase the item, click on the Purchase button. You can also click on the images to enlarge them.
If an item has already been purchased, you will see a warning about this at the top of the page. If you were the person who indicated that you had purchased the item, but now have changed your mind, you can choose to unpurchase the item by clicking on the Unpurchase button.
You can ask questions anonymously about an item. Only you and the item owner will be able to see the question and answer.
The settings page can be accessed by clicking on Settings in the navigation menu.
From this page you can manage various settings related to your account. Most of the options include text that explain what the various settings do.
We’ve also provided an extra explanation here for some of the more complicated options.
You can change your profile picture by selecting Choose File under the Profile Picture heading. Select an image from your computer to upload.
We’d hate to see you go, but if you want to delete your account, you can do this by checking I confirm I want my account deleted. and clicking the Save button.
Your account will be archived for 2 weeks during which you will not be able to access the website unless you unarchive the account again. After 2 weeks your account will be deleted. This is not reversible and you will lose access to any data in your account. You will also be signed out immediately.
You can set additional information that will appear on your profile and your public link. This is useful for people who may use this information to get you something better suited to you. To add new additional information click on the New button, or to delete existing information, click on the Delete button for the information you wish to delete. When you are finished, click the Save button to save the changes.
If you would like a copy of all your data stored on our platform, you can have it emailed to the email address linked to your account. Click the Email button to have this email generated and sent to you.